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The Cancer Journey: Prayer Needed

Reposted from January 17, 2010

Prayer is powerful! Thank you in advance.  "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." Mark 11:24

Dear all, Thank you for your prayers. I slept last night, without taking sleeping pills (after four nights of literally NO sleep, I gave in and asked my doc to prescribe me sleeping medication). Mom, was very sweet. Not wanting me to take the pills she told me we could stay up all night talking, I told her I had a cough and could barely talk, so she said she would pray a veryyyy loooonnng prayer, so long that I'll fall asleep. Guess what? Okay no, i didn't fall asleep in the middle of it, but when all was said and done, I felt tired and could've gone to sleep instantly if it weren't for my cough. Eventually, at about 12:30/1am I slept! On another note, I have developed a cold in the past two days or so. I have a runny nose, a bad cough and a sore throat. I will be going to the hospital tomorrow morning for blood work, xray on my chest and consultation with Prof Liang. If all goes well, meaning WBC is as to be expected and xray is 'good' (don't know what 'good' means) then I will be released with antibiotics and a big smile on my face, if not, I'll be admitted. I'm also going to take advantage of this blog and the # of people that are reading this, and ask you guys to include our family friend, Ashleigh, in your prayers. She is currently in New York and was diagnosed with soft bone cancer (as i was told, only 2 ppl/yr in the states have this type of cancer) a few months before my diagnosis. She's completed her third chemo treatment but is now in the hospital because of a fever and a low WBC. Her family says she is in a lot of pain because of one of the chemo drugs she takes that causes ulcers in her stomach, mouth and esophagus. She also needs to have blood/platelets donated to her (if anyone is in New York and is either A+,A-, O+, O- blood type and would want to donate blood to her I could get the details of her whereabouts). Most importantly, I think her and her family just needs prayer. They live in Hong Kong (she moved to NY for work), so support from everywhere and anywhere is so very much important! Thanks for reading, listening, praying, sending out good thoughts... With Love, Denise


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