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The Cancer Journey: Welcomes Rest

Reposted from June 7, 2011 The past three days must have put my body into some sort of shock or at least confusion. My mind has managed to run at a normal pace if not stopping momentarily (during my marathon in front of the tv) and my body hasn't been so still since i was last confined to my bed!

Today I had spent the entire day doing absolutely NOTHING, other than maybe replying to three or four emails (which I just couldn't resist) i moved from hospital bed, to my own bed reading, surfing the internet and catching up on some tv shows (obessed with Masterchef and re-kindled my love with The Big Bang Theory). Monday was a public holiday in Hong Kong and so I slept in, met up with Michelle, Ka and a friend for brunch and spent the rest of the day shopping and even managed to squeeze in high tea with grandma :-) Sunday is always my favourite day of the week, but this past Sunday was particularly special because I spent the ENTIRE day (literally) with my second family worshipping together, lunching together, A-group-ing together (not physically but simultaneously :-), dinner together, praying together and laughing hysterically together as we ended the night with our own version of charades.

But just prior to Sunday my week was utterly chaotic! At work, we had been organizing a three day conference where we flew in a speaker from Canada to speak at five different seminars. The planning and organizing was hectic enough, but when she arrived, that's when adrenaline kicked in and we were all running on high gear. It was great at the beginning, throwing myself into something I love: health education, but near the end it was not only physically tiring but also mentally and emotionally as I knew I shouldn't be tiring my body in that way. It was also nice to forget about the 'sickness' for a while and so when I woke up Sunday morning (the first morning after the conference ended), i was alone with my thoughts again and it had hit me that IT was still there.

So Sunday was my time to be rejuvenated emotionally and mentally and today because I'm unable to move around too much from the bone marrow biopsy, I've been forced to rest physically.

A short note on the biopsy, it was just as painful as the previous ones but i am SO happy and relieved that it is over (i would jump if i could!) and am now focusing on the results and what's ahead. We should have the results by Monday latest and from there I will have to make some tough decisions on which road to take next.

Thank you so so much for all the prayer and love sent my way, especially this morning when my phone was flooded with messages of prayers, love and encouragement.

Busy-ness begins again tomorrow with interviews, appointments to meet, packing for our move next week and preparing for my trip to Canada! These next two weeks will fly by, but I'm hoping rest won't be as foreign to my body as it has been in the past two weeks.


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